
NZ Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender Essential Oil made in NZ New Zealand
New Zealand Lavender essential oil, by Lavender Magic

NZ Lavender Essential Oil.  Our very own home grown Lavender 'Angustifolia' Pacific Blue, 100% Pure.  A first aid kit in a bottle.  From lavender grown at our Mt Holdsworth flower farm and distilled in the Wairarapa, New Zealand.

Lavender essential oil is one of the most commonly used oils for aromatherapy, home health and natural medicine. It's been called a universal oil because it balances the body and is known to work wherever there is a need. It is often referred to as a medicine chest in a bottle. 

It is with good reason why lavender oil is the most favourite essential oil, as it has wonderful qualities and also smells great!

The health benefits of lavender oil for the skin can be attributed to its antiseptic and anti-fungal properties.  It is used to treat various skin disorders such as acne, wrinkles, psoriasis, and other inflammations. It heals wounds, cuts, burns and sunburns rapidly as it aids in the formation of scar tissues. Lavender oil is used to treat eczema. It is also effective against insect bites. The oil is also used to repel mosquitoes and moths.

Lavender essential oil has a calming scent which makes it an excellent tonic for the nerves. It helps in treating migraines, headaches, anxiety, depression, nervous tension and emotional stress. The refreshing aroma removes nervous exhaustion and restlessness and increases mental activity.
Lavender essential oil induces sleep and hence it is often recommended for insomnia.
Lavender essential oil is also an excellent remedy for various types of pains including those caused by sore muscles, tense muscles, muscular aches, rheumatism, sprains, backache and lumbago. A regular massage with lavender oil provides relief from pain in the joints.
Lavender essential oil is good for urinary disorders as it stimulates urine production. It helps in restoring hormonal balance and reduces cystitis or inflammation of the urinary bladder. It also reduces any associated cramps.
Lavender oil is extensively used for various respiratory problems including throat infections, flu, cough, cold, asthma, sinus congestion, bronchitis, whooping cough, laryngitis, and tonsillitis. The oil is either used in the form of vapour or applied on the skin of neck, chest and back.
Lavender essential oil is useful for the hair care as it can be very effective on lice and lice eggs or nits.
Lavender essential oil is also good for improving blood circulation in the body. It also lowers blood pressure and is used for hypertension.
Lavender oil is useful for digestion as it increases the mobility of the intestine. The oil also stimulates the production of gastric juices and bile and thus aids in treating indigestion, stomach pain, colic, flatulence, vomiting and diarrhoea.
Regular use of lavender essential oil provides resistance to diseases.

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Lavender essential oil, NZ




Lavender Magic

Lavender Magic - Natural skincare products, such as balms, creams, soaps and sprays, free from harsh chemicals, synthetic fragrances or colours. Lavender Magic products are made locally, containing our very own award winning essential oil, with your needs in mind.